Hello Their!
I'm Midhun
And I'm a
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My Projects

Secure Bank
Secure Bank

A Full Stack Application made by using flutter framework in this I have concentrated more on Security features and able transfer the virtual currency to other registered accounts with all notifications and with a real-time transaction.

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A Full Stack Application made by using flutter framework in this I have concentrated more on Student health care and maintaining the trusted doctors, here doctor can send the medical prescription to the students with all notifications in real-time.

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Secure Bank
Login Page

=The main moto of this task is to create a Loging Page with firebase Integration at the backend and tried to supply a good modern UI based website with all form validations and exception handlers.

Viste Site
Secure Bank
Image Steganograpy

It’s aa Python class project aim is to encrypt the text using image steganography and communicating with people in a private way, here user can send the a mail to the known people for a secret conversation at all time without exiting the the peogramme.

Source Code
Secure Bank
UI/UX Design's

I was sharing my UI/UX Designs and Prototypes using figma links, here you see all my designs which I have done in my contests hope you like it all. So, keep an eye on it to look up for cool modern UI based Design’s.

Open Secure BankFigma
Secure Bank
See More on GitHub

Would you like see more projects that I have and want to get updated with new projects which I will be releasing on GitHub then tap on follow button. Like to become an contributor on my project click on ‘open GitHub’ to continue.

Open Secure Bank GitHub

My skills

java 94%
Flutter 75%
Android 75%
HTML,CSS,JavaScript 80%
PHP 78%
MySQL 80%

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